Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sulfites, Histamines and Headaches...Oh My!

I read a great post from Tablas Creek Vineyard's blog about the unfortunately popular myth that sulfites in wine are what give people headaches. Up until the other day, I was one of those sadly misinformed people, but now I have been set free!

Histamines are actually what causes most people's headaches, not sulfites. The number of Americans actually allergic to sulfites is ridiculously low, but people with histamine allergies (such as pollen and a variety of foods like cheese, fish, and some vegetables) are extremely common. Unfortunately, red wine contains a small amount of histamines because the grape skins are kept in with the wine as it ferments. I was fascinated to learn this, especially because I have been badmouthing sulfites for quite some time now.

Another interesting point that Jason Haas, Partner and General Manager of Tablas Creek Vineyard and main author of its blog, makes is that the government seems to want people to think sulfites are what causes reactions, mandating that wine containing sulfites be labeled as such. For some reason, however, histamines do not have to be mentioned even though they are, in most cases, the real culprit. What is that about?

The enthusiasm so many of us have for wine makes it nearly impossible for me to believe not everyone is carrying around a glass of it everywhere they go (this isn't Italy, after all.) If I can make just one person love wine as much as I do, I will have done my job. I know, I know, no one asked me to do this, but it's too late...I have taken it upon myself to try. Luckily, the realm of opportunity has been opened to those that once thought they could never have a glass of wine. Blogs like Jason Haas' will hopefully squash the sulfite rumor for good so that more people will be able to enjoy one of the greatest drinks on earth: a glass of vino rosso.

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